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Public Skating Sessions

Schedule and General Information

Public Session Information...


The admission desk opens 15 minutes prior to the start of each section.




Posted prices are cash/check discount prices. All other forms of payment will be assessed a 3% surcharge



STARTS Wednesday JANUARY 8 2025

                 Wednesday 4:00-6:00PM

                 Thursday 8:00-10:00 AM

             Friday  8:30-10:30 AM,4:00-6:00PM

             Saturday 12:30-2:30 PM & 3-5 PM

             Sunday 12:30-2:30 PM & 3-5 PM 

Please Note:

By attending and public session you agree to our "Public Session Safety Guidelines".

The management reserves the right to eject anyone from the facility, without refund, who is endangering themselves or fellow patrons. We thank you for your cooperation!

During all public sessions, the management reserves the right to close off the ice surface to conduct private and group skating lessons. We will try our best to accommodate for those skaters who may need to hold onto the wall.

FOR YOUR SAFETY, all common areas at Newbridge Arena are camera monitored and recorded.

Public Session Admission Rates

General Admission Rates

General Admission:                                                                                                 $ 13.00 

Town of Hempstead Resid.:                                                                                       $ 10.00 

(Proof of Residency REQUIRED for Discount)  

Military, Fire, Police,  Vol. Ambulance , Seniors:                                                            $ 8.00

(Valid Military, FD/PD/EMS I.D. REQUIRED for Discount) 


Hockey & Figure Skate Rental:                                                                                    $ 6.00


                                   Holiday Admission Rates

General Admission:                                                                                                 $ 14.00 

Town of Hempstead Resident:                                                                                   $11.00 

(Proof of Residency REQUIRED for Discount)  

Military, Fire, Police,  Vol. Ambulance:                                                                          $ 8.00

(Valid Military, FD/PD/EMS I.D. REQUIRED for Discount)                                                        

Hockey & Figure Skate Rental:                                                                                    $ 6.00

Weekday Special Rates

Available during select sessions as noted above '*'

General Admission:                                                                                                 $ 10.00 

Town of Hempstead Resident:                                                                                     $ 8.00 

(Proof of Residency REQUIRED for Discount)  

First Responders & Seniors:                                                                                        $ 7.00

Non-Resident Seniors:                                                                                                $ 8.00

 Hockey & Figure Skate Rental:                                                                                    $ 6.00

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